Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Catholic Phenomenon (September 12, 2009, Saturday)

Faith without works is dead as St. James admonished in his epistle. And Catholics ought to be the perfect models for every one as the Catholic Church is founded by Christ - the Source of every good. He should be outstanding when it comes to morality and religion. But on the contrary, Catholics these days are the ones who give a far worse model than non-Catholics. It is but a seldom few Catholics who manage to persevere on the true teachings of Our Savior Jesus Christ.

The following article deals about us, Catholics. Written by a Catholic author, it shows how much we Catholics are being wane and lenient. I sometimes asked myself if I am one and if so, how I must fix it the soonest time. I’m now sharing it here for the benefit of my fellow Catholics. In this little way, I hope to awaken a Catholic here or there from a long sleep that’s close to killing the body itself.

My Neighbor
It might startle our confessor if we asked him, “Father, please help me to become a saint.” It might startle us still more if he were to answer, “Who lives next door to you?” No doubt we’d answer that our next-door neighbors were named Jones or Smith or Picklepuss. And we’d wonder what they had to do with our progress in sanctity.

The fact is that too many Catholics - good Catholics, pious Catholics - live a one-sided life. Spiritually one-sided, that is. They are meticulous in avoiding sin, conscientious in prayer, and frequently at Holy Communion. They are engrossed in nurturing a beautiful soul for themselves, but unhappily missing the full implication of the Gospel. They have absorbed well the lesson of the Beatitudes, but they have not balanced that lesson against the Works of Mercy.

The Master was well aware of our human nature’s tendency to selfishness, even in matters of the soul. That is why He hammered away so often at the idea that our attitude toward our neighbor is the true test of our inner health. I am sure that if I had been asked to guess, in advance, how Christ would describe the Last Judgment, I’d have flunked the test completely.

“Come, ye blessed of my Father,” He says, “possess you the kingdom prepared for you.” That much would be easy to guess. It’s on the “becauses” that I’d have tripped up. “Because you were prayerful, and truthful, and chaste; devout, honest and sober.” Something like those would have been my choices. So it is a bit of a shock to listen to Christ’s actual words, especially as they begin to sink in.

“Because I was hungry and you gave Me to eat; I was thirsty and you gave Me to drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; naked and you clothed Me… as long as you did it to one of these My least brethren, you did it to Me!”

So maybe there would be sense, after all, in our confessor’s question: “Who lives next door to you?” And who lives in the house beyond, and in the house across the street? It would be no escape for us to answer that folks next door are hillbillies; that they are fighting with each other half the time and drunk every Saturday night. It would be no defense to say that they belong to some queer sect called the “Church of the undefiled”; that they hate Catholics and that we don’t want anything to do with them. It wouldn’t be our confessor who would answer us. Christ already has done so: “For if you love them that love you, what reward shall you have? Do not even the publicans do this? And if you salute your brethren only, what do you more? Do not even the heathens do this? Be you therefore perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” It is, to say the least, a bit sobering to realize that my spiritual perfection is going to be measured by my attitude toward the man I can’t stand; toward the woman who always gets in my hair; toward the family who has destroyed the peace of the neighborhood.

It is a hard lesson to learn. To realize that the more unlovable my neighbor is the more all out I must go in my efforts to love him. To knock on the back door of “those awful people” and maybe ask to borrow some little thing (since psychologists say the easiest way to make a friend is to ask a favor, rather than to do one). To break down their reserve, and maybe suspicion, with gentle kindness and unobtrusive love. Finding perhaps in the end that the reason they fight and drink is because they are lonesome in a neighborhood where friends are so hard to make.

The reason it is so painful to us is partly because there’s nothing in it for us. There must be nothing in it for us, nothing except the approval of our Master, and that “Kingdom prepared for us,” of which He speaks.

Too often Catholics approach their non-Catholic neighbors with a predatory eye; they wonder how they can be led into the fold; they are disappointed if they balk at coming to the font. But the love of which Christ is speaking must be disinterested enough to transcend even this selfish (if holy) satisfaction. We shall pray for their conversion, certainly; but even more, we must pray for their salvation. The two things are not always coincidental.

I hope that no one will misunderstand me and think that I am belittling personal piety. To praise the rain does not mean that the sun is thereby condemned. The good-works-only type of religion is as bad as the me-and-God-only type.

I am only saying that a man would be an imbecile to spend hours and money in a gymnasium to build up his muscles, then put them to no other use except to flex them before a mirror for his own enjoyment, especially if his neighbor was being crushed to death beneath a heavy weight.

Who lives next door to me? It is Christ!

I once knew a man who did many things which his friends considered foolish. When they would point the finger of criticism at him, he would answer darkly, “I have my reasons.” So if anyone accuses me of harping too much on this theme of fraternal charity, love for my neighbor, I too shall reply, “I have my reasons.”

One of the reasons stems from the sadness I sometimes feel at the thought of how much more powerfully we could be witnesses to Christ, had we but the charity of Christ. We have allowed our non-Catholic brethren to outstrip us in many things that should be characteristic of Christ’s own. The Anglicans have outdone us in their appreciation of, and love for, the liturgy. The Evangelicals have surpassed us in their reverence for, and knowledge of, the Holy Bible. The Witnesses of Jehovah daily us to shame by the fervor of their apostolic, if mistaken, zeal.

And the Quakers, a numerically small and insignificant body, have become synonymous in America with selfless and dedicated devotion to the poor and unfortunate. If our Catholics had the compassion of our outnumbered Quakers, then the modern pagans might exclaim again, as did those of Rome, “See how these Christians love another!” And Christ might reign among us.

The picture, I know, is not all black. We can look around us at the Catholic orphanages and hospitals and homes for the aged, and the steadily increasing amounts given for the home and foreign missions, and for European relief. But we have allowed our charity to become so institutionalized. As though we could answer the question, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” merely by writing a check or dropping a bill in the basket.

A Communist leader once asked the French Dominican, Pere Leow, “Do you mean to tell me that out of all your hearers - who call themselves good Catholics and never dream of missing Mass on Sundays - there would be a single one who would be willing to share his home, if a worker and his family were wandering around this town this very night, without means or shelter?”

That’s almost hitting us below the belt, isn’t it? What would I answer, I wonder, if a man rang my doorbell today, with a wife and a couple of kids by his side? If he said, “Mister, we’ve been evicted and we have no place to go; could you put us up for a couple of days?” Would I answer, “Sure, I’ll sleep on the sofa and you can have my room!” Or would I run to the phone and call the County Welfare to ask what agency I should send them to? Being big-hearted enough, of course, to provide them with carfare to get them to a caseworker’s desk.

Actually, of course, it won’t happen to me. The day has not yet come when a poor man can say with confidence, “I’m sure of getting help here; this is a Catholic family.”

It’s amazing how few of us have ever seen poverty in the raw. Tenements where the rats run across the children’s bed at night. (And there is only one bed, no matter how many children.) Hovel’s where coal is brought in by the bushel, and husbanded like gold. Shacks where the water is hauled in by the bucketful, and heated only for cooking. (“Even if they are poor,” I hear myself saying, “They needn’t be so dirty.”) Main-thoroughfare property is too expensive for tenements and hovels and shacks, so we don’t see them. And if we see them, they aren’t real to us. No one we know lives there.

It’s surprising, too, how few of us have ever fed a poor man - or woman - with our own hands. I don’t mean that we have a passport to Heaven by the mere fact of seating a beggar at our table, or lugging a basket of groceries to that shiftless Jones family. I only mean that Christ - and His Bride, the Church - would tower so visibly over our city streets, if I could but stop feeling complacent.

If only I could stop thinking that Christ came upon earth precisely so that I and my loved ones might relax in the odor of incense and guttering wax, and be clean and secure and sheltered. If only I could remember that no artist has ever dared paint a picture of “The Comfortable Christ.”
Oh my Lady, help us to spread thy most holy Name worthily and frequently! Amen

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Foolish Heart (August 20, 2009, Thursday)

Romantic love is the most common favorite topic of the youth these days and to my total amazement, I found out that it’s common as well among fellow traditionalists. I find it so base to talk about because it is most of the time filled with intolerable heartache if not indecency. It’s not that I don’t find any interest on that. After all, I have had a lot of experience on that.

Recently, I learned of a fellow traditionalist’s story of romantic love. He was heartbroken and couldn’t move on. He even shared a “9 Painful Things” which goes on to be (for him) truly painful. I don’t know but it sucks. It sounded equally foolish as well.

Can anyone be as so significant that it can’t be seen on others? Or is it just the emotion that’s dragging oneself beneath the past? Sure, there’s a time for getting over but many years is already sufficient. Dreaming must give way to reality and one must move ahead.

Immaturity is the only thing that keeps the heart enclosed still on that former love. For it cannot be fidelity to the love that’s not already valid. Yes, to continue loving someone who stops loving you is just like chasing the wind when you perfectly know you can’t truly beat it.

It’s not that I don’t sympathize. As a matter of fact, I’ve been through that. But just like in everything, there are stages. And so must be on this game of love.

Romantic love should be rational. There must be commitment but it ceases as well the moment the other one chose to end it. It’s not for us to force someone to love us after all. Otherwise, it isn’t love but selfishness. It must be understood that most of the time, anything that’s not solemnize can never be permanent. The past is there to be a tool for us on the next time around. And risking to love once more is just another trial for simply getting the best.

One needed not be discouraged if he finds nothing constant. For Our Lord is always rich in mercy and will never tempt us beyond our strength. God’s will is not our ways and we must simply strive to be better - while submitting ourselves wholly to our Creator. As St. Augustine rightly puts it: “Evil exists either so that the sinner may convert or that by it the just may be tried.”

Going back to the “9 Painful Things”, I’ve enumerated mine here which I believe are honestly painful. Read on.

9 Painful Things

9. Time flying fast.
8. Knowing too much.
7. Having complicated life.
6. Standing alone.
5. Experiencing wrong principles as right ones.
4. Forgiving worst injuries done to you.
3. Accepting your weakness.
2. Seeing God too much desecrated. and above all
1. Offending God who had suffered much for you.

Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, on this month dedicated to thee, I ask that thou shelter those who’re heartbroken. Give them the necessary grace to struggle for the ultimate good! Amen.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Medical Mission 2009 (August 15, 2009, Saturday)

I grew fond of following the news of ACIM-ASIA’s annual medical mission in this Island. They were on their 3rd year actually and still, it surprises me that more and more medical volunteers are coming from outside the nation to lend a helping hand to our many poor Filipinos here and there.

TB on its final stage, brain deformity, glaucoma hitting on its worst, so many diverse diseases and complicated sickness from one patient to the other with only a limited stack of medicines, one couldn’t help feeling dismay and powerless. It seems the end is here for in every patient, there expresses anguish. Yet it is here where one is needed to be strong. The discovering of a new strength must begin there. A strength that far surpasses the human force. A strength founded upon faith. For the more hopeless it seemed to be, the more we should rely on this strength. Rightly then should we exclaim the authentic words of Our Lord that power is made perfect in infirmity.

But there was something that struck me most on this medical mission. The picture that captivated my heart for the first time ever was that of a child lying on his bed with the priest before him praying. The child was comfortably sleeping like the usual thing we see on TVs or photo albums. Or so I thought… But as I read the screen tip afterwards, I was mistaken. The child was on his way to eternity and the priest was there to administer the Last Sacrament and aid the soul departing form the body.

How could such a child of tender age happily accept his unfortunate situation? It seems to me that he didn’t show any discomfort outwardly for even on his last hours, he managed to slightly curl himself sweetly and with one outstretched hand full of loving gesture. Picture’s worth a thousand words and how I wish to imitate this child when my time approaches! I could only thank the there was a priest right away.

Anyways, compassion is always at the heart of this mission. Charity knows no bounds and even if there were lots of misunderstanding among the volunteers themselves, I’m sure they found a way of making truce with one another to keep the mission on-going. The presence of the priests, nuns, and pre-postulants made things run even smoothly for they had provided the spiritual side of life. It is the backbone of the mission wherein one rushes to sustain themselves form exhaustion - doctor or patient alike.

Perhaps this is the main reason why I always felt a great interest ever since this mission was started. Here you see the world unmasked from the false notion that everything is fine. Hunger, ailments, and poverty in the physical and spiritual sense are prevalent. It calls for mercy. And it is an everyday challenge to face the oddest with full of calmness and courageousness. Yes, even the ability to be great yet humble for the meek. Indeed, only the bravest can respond to this plea. And this, I saw on them.

Oh my Lady, on this feast of thine ascending to Heaven, teach us to have a firm conviction of loving God with thee. That in the end, we may be like unto thee who assumed into Heaven spotless and clean! Amen.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Falling and Rising (July 27, 2009, Monday)

The death of a loved one, getting low grades, or having an accident are all considered a big loss. Well, who wouldn’t?

It is something that cannot be naively forgotten. The word disgrace may be the right term and for most people, it cannot be remedied already. It is there like a wound that can’t be healed. Thus, some sink into desperation, others couldn’t recover, and worst of all, some commit suicide to end the misery that the human body is experiencing.

Our human intellect is mostly governed by the mere senses we easily grasp. And sometimes, it is unfortunately hampered to ponder over and deeper the meaning of life. Nowadays, people are beset on mulling less of what truly matters most and more of what the flagrant passion desires. Human weakness and native blindness is sadly and closely suffocating the people all around.

Indeed, I may be one of them. Finding myself stumbling from the same awkward situation, I thought of simply forgetting all good habits I’ve developed. It’s useless since I couldn’t sustain it. After all, it’s a lot easier to remain falling rather than rising up again for it requires a greater effort more than one had maintained.

Time and time again, conscience - or more explicitly - the soul is telling us to be better. That if we can’t run, then perhaps we can walk. And if we can’t walk, perhaps we should crawl. Getting back to stage 1 like a baby who’s learning to stand by himself may be an irony for those who’ve reached incredible heights on achieving things. But it is there where one can find out how to proceed on acquiring better virtues.

The nerve to move ahead despite difficulties should remind us of Our Lord’s passion. For just as He continued His way to Calvary, so should we tread this painful world. Sinless that He is, He chose to suffer for mankind. How much more of us who are immense sinners?

Losing a battle should be a lesson to be taken seriously. Success can never be without failure. For when one constantly wins, the tendency to stop from attaining worthier merits is likely to occur. A scar may remain in each plummet but it doesn’t really matter if one thinks that it’s there as a memento to avoid such fateful mishap.

Like a pencil that needs to be sharpened when it’s already worn out, so should be that person tumbling from a momentous climb. There should the person begin to write in a new page with vivacity and brighter strokes. Contemplating always in mind Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin would make it even brilliant for They had already set an example. As a matter of fact, it is only up to us to follow with all humility and perfect submission.

Oh Blessed Virgin, do thou always assist me. Grant that on my every fall, I may rise one step closer to thee and God! Amen.

MJ and My Sister (July 13, 2009, Monday)

Just a few days from now, my sister would be celebrating her birthday. Ironically, it is the day that the annual local festivity here would end - and I believe - with such a wild activity. I guess the only consolation from that are the awesome fireworks to be held at night as a farewell ceremony.

Michael Jackson had been my sister’s inspiration for quite a long time now. Most of the time I see her buried with her MJ projects - from website to essay. I kept wondering what will happen to her if suddenly Michael would be gone away. And unexpectedly, it came very soon.

When the news reached my sister of his sudden death, I couldn’t believe her actions. The moment after was like a nightmare. She was crying and almost panting, she said she believed it to be true. At first, I was skeptical and it was the following Wednesday that I was convinced when I glanced from the local newspaper stating that he passed away.

Dreadfully, I felt like my sister’s world was shattered. And no matter how much I express my sympathy, she was still lacking vigor from time to time. As she asked for my prayers for the repose of his soul, I was rather bent on praying for her than him.

I don’t know why my sister ever liked MJ. He was weird and his style was exotic. His life was wrapped up with full of curiosity and mystery that one can naturally consider him dangerous. He even got albums entitled Bad and Dangerous and such were enough reasons to deem him a bad influence for souls. I tried my best to dissuade her from admiring him but she’s unmovable.

As a person who always thinks positive, I sometimes asked her to tell more about MJ. You bet, she was never out of words for him and even to the point that I had to cut off our conversation due to day’s work or night’s bedtime. From there, I learned of his charitable works for the maimed and abandoned and of how he made orphaned children happy by his mere jovial presence.

Indeed, he may be a good guy. Perhaps my sister was right that somewhere beneath, Michael had a good heart that is quite unnoticeable by the average person. He wished evil to no one yet many people loved to pin him down. He was rather a person whose character cannot be easily judged for even though he got an out of this world get up, he managed to care for his children and be a good father still. Thereupon, Our Lord’s words rang on my mind that “Judge not, that you may not be judged” and that “the publicans and the harlots shall go into the kingdom of God before you.”

It sucks to know that my sister would be celebrating her natal day with MJ on the grave. He was her greatest inspiration but she’s all alone now. I just hope she’d get over with it. Prayers work and I’ll never cease believing for brighter days.

I can never be an MJ fan for I’ve long abandoned admiring celebrities. I’ve decided it’s best to look up instead on saints and the Blessed Virgin as role models. But as for Michael, he had influenced my sister to have a meaning in her life and I simply couldn’t be ungrateful for that.

Somebody gave MJ a rose. I may never have a chance to throw flowers on his tomb but offering Masses for his soul is the worthiest of all. And this I will always do in gratitude for the many things he did that had touched my sister - creating in her a better way of life.

Eternal rest grant unto Michael’s soul, oh Lord. And let your perpetual help shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen. Oh Blessed Virgin, meet his soul in pity!

A Unique Privilege (July 11, 2009, Saturday)

The first Sunday of July was blessed to have 3 SSPX brothers present in the usual Mass schedule early morning. All of them originated from our lowly chapel and were actually spending their vacations. And upon entering the chapel, to my great astonishment, I found the 4 religious consecrated men - the other one was the visiting priest - singing the Divine Office inside the house which was adjacent to the chapel.

It had reminded me of our initial visit to a traditional Catholic Church. Our Lady of Victories Church was serene, elegant and clean. 3 priests and 2 brothers were praying in the elevated place which was especially built for them in the sanctuary. Then the brother clapped and all arose, made the Sign of the Cross, and started chanting the Divine Office. I was captivated and completely spellbound noticing their exceptional politeness and interior disposition. For the first time ever, I felt like I was in the company of saints uttering praises to the Triune God.

It left me with a desire to observe them even more and admiring their melodious voices, I stopped my prayers and followed them by heart. As days passed by and we heard Mass there on Sundays, I began realizing that there was no rank or superiority when it comes to praying the Office. I remember seeing the district superior and the prior choose the insignificant position never minding the younger priest to take the lead. Humility had been instilled on them and it is true to say that it reveals the sublime character of souls.

Such were the wonderful memories that reveled on my mind as I listen to them repeating exactly those words I heard sang 8 years ago. Their harmonious voices may be faint as the faithful were already reciting the Rosary but I was still glad to experience it once more. It is a rare incident to occur here and those edifying actions were the ones I long missed. I yearned for it to resuscitate me from this sinking world and having the unique privilege to behold it again, I was certain Our Lord is beseeching me to imitate those beautiful virtues and breathe the purer air that enfolds the religious life.

Oh Lord my God, grant me to love Thy ways. Strengthen my resolve not to offend Thee any longer so that Thou wilt always find a dwelling in my heart! Amen.

Learning a Lesson (July 6, 2009, Monday)

Last week I got a cold and I knew right from the start that God is admonishing me once more to retrace back my life.

That forced me to think twice. For the last time I fell sick, I thought I had made enough resolutions to be better next time. I respected the days and nights as God has designed it to be and quitted my being workaholic. I refrained from beating the time and made it sure that I never skipped lunch anymore. Yet here I am suffering the same illness.

Indeed, it’s not about staying fit. The previous weeks found me engaging on much idle talk that I recognized something’s wrong going on. It was full of nonsense, really, but I cared less and tried to ignore my senses. Simply put, I’m beginning to become worldlier that somehow Our Lord was pleased to strike me with a congested running nose combined with a slight headache and irritable throat.

But that doesn’t mean I was totally forgetting God. For even when I’m having ailment, I must admit I was successful in finishing my daily prayers albeit imperfectly. Rather, it’s more of neglecting to observe silence as much as possible so as to make space for mental prayer in order for my soul to be further sanctified. I was too much drawn already by petty conversations that aren’t even worth talking about disregarding at the same time His majestic presence that was supposed to be with me all around.

It was dreadful for me to comprehend that I had become lax with my religious endeavors. That despite my conscience warning me, I remained deaf all those times. I thought killing one’s conscience is something I couldn’t possibly do. And I never knew how a lot of people bear doing it till I found myself exactly on that same plane. I felt embarrassed. Does this the legacy I truly want the world to see in me?

Sadly, I learned it the hard way. Yet I won’t stop from there. It’s the art of learning continuously for His glory and our benefit. Now that I’m recuperating, I better get a balanced outlook. I must learn to avoid such trifling activities and be a wholesome person still - ever recalling to mind to be as religious as I can.

Oh Immaculate Mother of God, teach me thy prudence. Grant me a profound understanding of God’s will - thus making me closer to thee and my Redeemer! Amen.

My Most Cherished Person (June 29, 2009, Monday)

Today’s something I cherished as 2 Filipino SSPX priests are celebrating their priesthood anniversaries. Sts. Peter and Paul must have been really enjoying their day in Heaven to see many fervent priests sacrificing their lives to continue what they had begun 2000 years ago.

Cherishing this day is the same way as I’ve treasured family birthdays and other Church feasts. That is why I thought it befitting to write about something that has long been due. An acquaintance even proposed that I write about it to include on his next book but I simply remained stagnant. I was hesitant for I just couldn’t make up my mind. I may say that almost a year had passed and it was only now I realized I had accidentally denied his noble request. Poor thing… Nevertheless, I sense something still needs to be done that I began collecting my thoughts once again. Finally, this is the moment that I’m going to write about the one whom I cherished most: Mom.

Believe it or not, but it’s Mom whom I deeply love most in this world. People may think otherwise since we have great differences and even up close to clashing debates. But that’s not enough to break my love for her. Because in spite of our being opposites, we still have similarities. Her blood reigns on my veins and I found out that whatever I have came only from her. If ever I did my best, it was only because she taught me how. If ever I was strong, it was because she gave me an example on herself. And if ever I am deeply rooted on the Catholic faith, it was because her basic teachings about God became my cornerstone.

Favoritism is common among parents and Mom isn’t an exemption. Growing up with 5 siblings ahead of me, I was in no better situation. Too many times I experienced that but the more I see it, the more my love outgrows for her. For somewhere along, it has supplied me enough competence and confidence. I remember how a friend once recalled, “No mother thinks ill for her child.” Indeed, that’s how she thinks it best and I can only watch her decision so long as it doesn’t contradict the Faith.

A mother’s love can never be equaled. Of course, (setting aside Our Heavenly Mother) it may have its own imperfections but it’s only there to give the child a chance to acquire a keener understanding of life. For in each misdeed, we can arm ourselves better. And for every unpleasant circumstance, there arises the challenge to improve one’s character.

Such has been the inspirations of Mom. And I felt it more of an intuition than infusion. Even though her not-so-good marriage with Dad hampered the ideal mother I was looking up on her, I’m still dumbfounded on how she squeezed everything just to make both ends meet. It was then I realized that true love consists of not just merely having what one craves. Instead, it’s the combination of like and dislike wherein one can ultimately discern what LOVE really is.

Hence, loving Mom next to God is the thing I’d like to pursue. It’s the next best thing, as the saying goes. She gave me deeds that are both consoling and aching. Most of all, it was her very own self that showed me the various aspects of this life. Small things may be attributed to Mom but it’s already big for those who knew her fully well. I’ve heard a lot of what people say about Mom’s personality but deep down, her heart is still a jewel that’s precious and overwhelming.

Each of us has different stories to tell about our most cherished person in this planet. It can be the one who granted us that stuff we’re dying to have. Or it can be that significant other who yielded us that perfect love we’re searching for. Or still, it can be that folk who never chided us on whatever we do be it good or bad. But as for me, I’d still prefer to choose Mom among the several persons who’ve crossed my life. It was she who led me on the way to discovering the genuine essence of life. And having gone so far as to what I am now, I could only thank her for being simply my wonderful Mom.

Oh Blessed Mother, I thank thee for bestowing to me such a great Mom. Grant me the grace to respect her all the time and may it be written and engraved on my heart that I may never fail to do so! Amen.

Narrow-mindedness (June 23, 2009, Tuesday)

Most people find it hard to forgive a priest here or there who’ve committed a mistake - whether big or small. I don’t know but perhaps it sprang forth from their dignified office that we easily consider them as saints already.

For my part, I don’t mind seeing their faults as they are still God’s ambassadors. But when news regrettably spread touching the sacred vow of chastity, my heart eventually pounds and I couldn’t but express dismay and disgust. It’s as if every sense of reason is excused from this point of view. Why? Because how come?!? Weren’t the many years spent in the seminary enough to secure their purity? Didn’t they consider soundly the meaning of celibacy and have they forgotten that they accepted it with their very own free will? Didn’t they study well the protocol when it comes to the opposite gender - those encyclicals of great pious popes and the Summa Theologica of St. Thomas? Doesn’t it ring on their minds to cut off - even as abrupt as it should be - any conversation with a female acquaintance whenever an occasion of scandal might likely arise? Zealous or not, I don’t think prudence could be wanting in any ordained priest. Thus, I simply couldn’t reconcile it.

Oh well, the problem with me is that I tend to forget that they are human beings - that even saints were sinners before. This thought went deeper in me that I found myself asking questions that are rather compassionate. Who is it that cleanses our souls in the confessional whenever we sin? Who is there to give God an offering most worthy to appease His anger? And who is there to consecrate the bread and wine into Our Lord’s own Body and Blood so that we may have Him and live? And yet why is it that whenever priests ask the faithful for forgiveness, most of the time it is received with a cold and insulting manner?

It is far easier for us to have the comfort of a priest by our side as it is demanded from their state of duty. That sometimes, even admonitions are sweet to bear due to the priest’s assuring words. But priests, on the other hand, couldn’t expect it from us. Ah, poor priests, if only we know how much they suffer but who would dare listen to their entreaties? Fool that I am, it was only then my narrowed mind stopped criticizing.

I started realizing that every time I abhor them, it is the same as if I haven’t forgiven those who’ve injured me. It’s as if I’m shutting the door of my heart with a sign “Closed: No entry.” How much more if Our Lord was the One knocking and wearied out?

Hence, I began to make a new perceptive. Intriguing as the sound of any tinkling rumor may be, I’m going to try debarring my mind with uncharitable thoughts. Rather, the need for an ever increase of prayer of supplication for the pitied priest’s soul. I’ve come to conclude that it’s wiser to pray Hail Marys in behalf of the unfortunate priest’s soul than attempting to ill-judge the reputation of the one whose character resembles Our Savior and Lord.

Oh Blessed Virgin Mother of God, help me to shun away rash assessment when it comes to this particular defect of thy priests. I ask that thou shelter them in thy Virginal Heart that no evil of impurity may come near them. In their loneliness, grant them not to seek for unchaste pleasure but to find in thee a most splendid love. Grant them always in sanctifying grace and if they unhappily lose it, aid and give them the strength to recover it immediately by a sincere repentance! Amen.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Seizing the Opportunity

Since my family cut costs last February, I rarely get the advantage to surf the net. That means, I’ve to grab this moment, type quickly, and make the best out of this once in a while luck.

Well, well, it’s April already and it’s my 2nd year here. Many things happened on my life but much as I wanted to post it here, I couldn’t do so for I got a limited time only. The biggest highlight on this month of the Blessed Sacrament, though, was that on Maundy Thursday, my family attended Mass and stayed till midnight to accompany Our Lord reposing on the altar. It was truly edifying to know that all of the family members present went to confession that day. Alas, what could be more pleasing to Our Lord than receiving these 2 Sacraments frequently and worthily!

In his sermon, the visiting priest explicitly reminded the faithful to constantly fix their minds towards Our Lord’s suffering on the Cross – without which Heaven’s gate wouldn’t be opened and thus our eternal misery. May I never lose sight of this wonderful redemption so that I would be slow in sinning and advance in sanctity.

Oh Blessed Virgin, grant our souls always pleasing to thee and thy Son that Thou would ever dwell in us! Amen.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Tragic death of 3 SSPX Seminarians

I didn’t know that the next blog I’d be writing here is about tragedy. Sure, life has so many unexpected circumstances, but this one was terribly different. In fact, it was like a sword wounding my heart that would take time to heal its course.

Truly, I was shocked to hear the news from Fr. Dolotina that 3 seminarians met a tragic death as an avalanche glided over them. They were actually 4 but luckily, one survived. Their bodies were already found save for one.

It was the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and 7 young seminarians from Econe headed off for the Seminary’s usual afternoon activity. Their excursion was set on a snow-filled mountain and Misters Jean-Baptiste Despres, Raymond Guérin and Mickaël Sabak didn’t know that it would be the last place they’d be treading here on earth. All of them were French and perhaps this is why I was deeply affected. French people are the ones I considered as most pious of all nationals producing numerous beautiful saints. Among them was my favorite and patron saint, St. Joan of Arc. One could also think that His Grace Archbishop Lefebvre was also French.

I kept pondering about that incident and the more I researched for it on the net, the more I became grieved and dumbfounded. One could ask why such a thing befell the SSPX. Were they not worthy enough to appease God’s anger that He took 3 noble men out from them? It is life that was taken and absolutely, no amount of money nor any kind of thing that would surmount such a precious life. But considering very carefully, the Society is still on the right track, albeit imperfection may sometimes arise here or there. No. This is simply yet another smile from Divine Providence, as Bp. Fellay rightly puts it in one of his many conferences.

Who knows - Our Lord is sparing them from much tribulation that would arise or rather from a much fatal accident? I might say that those 3 were already prepared to enter eternity and it can serve as an anecdote to the remaining 4 to always consider death as just around the corner. Their death can also be a sacrifice for this impure world, purging away the sins of humanity that this planet would still be a footstool of God.

But far from hypothesizing anything, let us look for what Holy Mother Church teaches us. They have already entered eternity and we should all the more pray for their souls. It’s indeed a great loss and I sympathize with the Despres, Guerins, and Sabaks. Like I said on one traditional Catholic forum, my greatest consolation was that they died on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Our Lady would surely intercede for their benevolent souls who had ardently wished to be an alter Christus someday.

Oh Blessed Lady of Lourdes, grant them eternal bliss with thee and thy Son. Do thou comfort as well their immediate families they’ve left on earth that they persevere still in the Catholic faith amidst stricken loss of their amiable sons and brothers’ lives! Amen.

Let me end here with the letter of the SSPX District Superior for France Fr. Cacqueray and a poem.

12 February 2009

Dear Faithful,
Dear Friends,

We have a deep sorrow to inform you of the accidental death, which occurred during a walk in the mountains yesterday 11 February, three members of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X, Messieurs the abbots Després Jean-Baptiste, Raymond Guérin and Mickaël Sabak All three third-year students in the seminar of Econ.

We recommend that your prayers the repose of their souls and their families so severely affected by this tragedy. A Requiem Mass will be celebrated in their intentions in each house district.

Ask Our Lady of Lourdes, the feast at which the accident occurred, soon to welcome in the glory of heaven our three young Levites to extend the heavenly family members of the fraternity. Ask him to console their families so deeply affected by such a test.

We also recommend to your prayers our fraternity itself sorely tested well in this circumstance.

As soon as we can, we'll give you information about the funeral of our three seminarians.

I request you to accept, dear faithful, dear friends, the expression of my priestly dedication in the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Rev. Régis de Cacqueray

And the poem...

Priez pour moi

Le jour où je ne suis plus là
Je ne vais pas vous demander de ne pas les soins
mais il ya certaines choses que je ne veux pas
pour vous de faire quand je suis allé

Ne pas lancer une partie en mon nom
ne pleure pas trop longtemps car c'est en vain
ne souhaitent pas que je serais bientôt de retour se
il ya plus de vie que seul ce

Ne me laissez pas de cadeaux sur ma tombe
don't hate Celui qui m'a fait quitter
J'avais un commerce, pour chaque Ave rose
Je peux l'utiliser plus que ces

Ne dites pas que ma vie a pris fin
ne pas avoir honte de se déplacer le long de
mais si vous aimé moi ici, mes amis
oh, ne vous m'aider lorsque je suis allé?

Je ne prétends pas, il n'a jamais été
parce que je suis encore en vie quelque part
mais s'il vous plaît ne me pendre sur votre mur
si vous ne priez pour moi, à tous les

Donc, si vous vous occupez de moi mes amis
alors s'il vous plaît ne laissez pas votre prière fin
cause, même si je suis maintenant dans le ciel
quelqu'un d'autre pourrait les utiliser de toute façon

J'ai une lourde dette à payer
avez-vous de l'eau pour ma tombe?
et si vous ne pouvez pas visiter mes os
S'il vous plaît, priez pour moi à partir de votre foyer

Et si vous souhaitez me rendre visite sur la terre
souviens-toi de moi pour ce que ça vaut
parce que je mai de la souffrance jusqu'à ce que je paie
oui, s'il vous plaît ne me laissez pas seul de cette façon

Donc, ne vont pas dans la misère
Et ne pas déplorer ce qui n'a pas pu être
parce que dans heav'n j'espère que nous allons rencontrer
mais d'ici là, il suffit de prier pour moi.

English translation (It was actually written in English but I decided to put it in French first as a loving memory for those 3 French seminarians.)

Pray for Me

The day that I'm no longer there
I won't ask you not to care
but there some things I don't want
for you to do when I am gone

Don't throw a party in my name
don't cry too long cause it's in vain
don't wish that I would come right back
there's more to life than only that

Don't leave me gifts upon my grave
don't hate the One that made me leave
I'd trade one Ave for each rose
I can use that more than those

Don't say my life came to an end
don't be ashamed to move along
but if you loved me here, my friends
oh, won't you help me when I'm gone?

Don't pretend I was never there
because I'm still alive somewhere
but please don't hang me on your wall
if you won't pray for me at all

So if you care for me my friends
then please don't let your praying end
cause even if I'm in heaven now
someone else could use them anyhow

I've got a heavy debt to pay
have you any water for my grave?
and if you can't visit my bones
please pray for me right from your homes

And if you'd visit me on earth
remember me for what it's worth
cause I may be suffering till I pay
so, please don't leave me alone that way

So don't go on in misery
And don't lament what couldn't be
because in heav'n I hope we'll meet
but until then, just pray for me.

Monday, February 09, 2009

A Valentine Treat

Heart-love month is already around the corner and people of every race are once more thinking of that special date - February 14.

I remember last year, if I wasn’t mistaken, how (in my case) it was spent. The day was indeed sunny and bright until dinner, when I had an argument with my sister. Well, it was a heated debate but it suddenly struck my mind that it was Valentine’s Day. I had thought of it when I woke up early morning and greeted Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin a Happy Valentine and told myself I’d spent it reverently for Them. Now, I’m engaged on clashing intense words with my sister??? It changed my mind and for an instance I kept my mouth shut - letting my sister talk on until it ended. That moment, I asked Our Lord’s forgiveness and as I headed for bedtime, I was completely grieved on my behavior. I fell asleep with that thing on mind.

I decided to be better this time. (Who doesn’t want to be better, anyway?) Actually, I do feel it’d be better for on that date, the visiting priest would come to officiate Mass in our vicinity. I feel fortunate enough to know it and hopefully the day would be all lit up glowed with God’s awesome LOVE.

Whatever one’s routine would be on February 14, I hope everybody would make it a point to salute Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin a “Happy Valentine”. After all, Valentine’s is meant for love and to love. And who could be worthier to love than those Two Who loved us first - even before our creation? I’m not saying that couples and sweethearts should be discredited on this date but rather each should all be tied up with a pious attitude. It’s about loving God and the significant other harmoniously with a sacred desire.

Let us strive to be always near to the sweetest Hearts of all hearts - and whenever possible to receive the Sacraments on this beautiful date. For it is there that They dispense Their greatest love for us. Oh, if one would only know how to make a real Valentine treat! A Valentine lavished with incessant LOVE where there is no guile but instead combined with mystical and luscious air.

Oh Hearts of Jesus and Mary, grant us an exquisite and momentous Valentine by molding our hearts like unto Thee forever! Amen.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Time to Rejoice!

January 21st was certainly a great event for the SSPX. For on the feast of the Roman virgin-martyr St. Agnes, Rome proclaimed and issued a decree that the excommunication was null and void. I believe it’s not only those who’re attached to Tradition that should rejoice but the whole Catholic Church as well for it is the beginning of a new and genuine life replacing the poisonous and almost dead Catholicism nowadays.

It is definitely worth to cite Bp. Williamson’s remark on this account. How can the SSPX not rejoice in the opportunity to lay out in Rome, before the Roman authorities themselves, the profound doctrinal reasons which we believe to be at the root of the Church's present distress? Woe unto us Catholics of Tradition if we were not ready to give reason for that hope which is in us for the rescue of the Church!

Finally, no bishop from the hierarchy can dare accuse us, SSPX faithful, as excommunicated or schismatic. Gone are the days of harsh libels by those who’re in authority for Vatican had already spoken.

Such is yet another tremendous gift from Heaven sent (of course) through the loving hands of Our Lady. Those Rosaries that we had pledged to her certainly didn’t go unheard for it was unceasingly round-the-clock. Hence, all of us should indeed return gratitude to her. A gratitude that’s worthy and not simply passing by. I guess all of us know what it means to give laudably and it’s not really exaggerating.

I consider it was also bestowed to the SSPX for their firm resolve to love God above all else - cost what may, and their authentic love to the Blessed Virgin. In everywhere you go, whether in sermon or in confession, in preaching or in casual talk, the Holy Name of the Virgin is always expounded.

Nonetheless, now that we have a door to Rome doesn’t mean that everything is fine. It’s not about shaking hands and saying it’s over. Rather, it’s about shaking hands and saying let’s talk about the real issues why the Catholic Church is going down and almost sinking. Hence, we should continue praying to the Virgin Mother of God as Bp. Fellay quoted in his parting words to the faithful: we now ask from her the necessary doctrinal clarifications which confused souls so much need.

Oh Blessed Mother, teach us, humility that we may ever more perfect thy Son’s teaching that whosoever therefore shall humble as this little child, he shall be greater in the kingdom of heaven! Amen.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Chinese New Year

Has anyone like hopia than chocolates? If so, then we’re the same! I had long said goodbye to chocolates since I get allergies and had already taken great delights on other sweet delicacies. Among them is the hopia and although I prefer the original mongo-flavored, any flavor would be fine with me so long as it’s vegan. Well, it’s Chinese New Year yesterday and that means hopia and tikoy would be anywhere in any Chinese community. Yummy!

“Kung Hey Fat Choi!” you may hear people say. As a Chinese, I grew up with a lot of its pamahiins (superstitions) but it never really created a big impact on me as my family, thanks to my Mom, are devout Catholics. I do enjoy feasting on Chinese cuisines but I always shrug off the “lucky charms” here or there. Sure, there’s no problem giving/accepting the red envelope called “ampao” so long as people don’t take it as something “good luck”.

Exactly, it’s just a matter of celebrating since we’re Chinese. If I was born Indian, then I’d celebrate their festivities and the same goes on whatever nationality it may be, but always minus those that are against the Catholic faith. Personally, I don’t see any harm on rejoicing since it was God after all Who created different races. It’s merely a matter of being distinct and every person should be grateful on his/her ethnicity. I’m indeed glad to have Chinese blood running in my veins, but I’m a lot gladder that I was born Catholic.

Perhaps most Chinese would disagree with me here. But then again, if one looks very sensibly, it’s truly God Who holds fortune. And it’s not just money that people are born for. True happiness consists of having inner peace with God in the Catholic faith and it is felt deeper in the soul than in the body. It’s about getting over with whatever materialism can buy and looking beyond on spiritual riches that never gets bankrupt or lost for it’s managed by the One Who is our everything!

“Kung Hey Fat Choi!” but hey, always without those attached superstitions! I pray that all of us would look forward in serving the true Master for we can be assured of unlimited ecstasy more than this world could ever give!

Oh Blessed Virgin, enlighten those who are blinded still by paganism and strengthen those who are converted to the Faith through thy grace and the prayers of the faithful! Amen.

Christmas Season

It maybe late to divulge this kind of topic but hey, it’s still Christmas according to the teachings of the Catholic Church. It usually concludes on the feast of Purification of Our Lady or on Septuagesima Sunday. Whichever comes first.

Yuletide season never became a hustle-free for our family as Mom always gives a great emphasis on this. We usually prepare beforehand for Christmas day that all of the family members are truly busy when December hits the calendar.

December 1: Inspecting of Christmas lights. Arranging and reusing then replacing the burnt bulbs. My two brothers were expert when it comes to electrical stuffs and so they’re the ones who fixed it.

December 10: Christmas shopping for Mom - from foods to gifts. Also, throughout the month, Mom never tires of buying Christmas decorations! It sucks since we’re the ones who install it and mind you, not just once! It could be twice or thrice according to what best suits her!!!

December 15/16: Making of Christmas lanterns. It would actually be finished just before the day of hanging it up. The 2 lanterns were a bit unique this time since it got Chinese balls instead of its traditional tassels.

December 22/23: Decors! It’s decking-the-home day! We set up the tree, the garlands and lights everywhere. Then at the background is the Christmas music of Jose Mari Chan and Carpenters. We also had a Santa and reindeers frame that was hung up the kitchen’s cupboard. Just a reminder: on the 23rd was a fast and abstinence day. It was indeed an extra effort to work with hungry stomachs!

December 24: Day of cooking for the Noche Buena. As vegans, we had spaghetti without cheese (it still tasted delicious!) and siopao that’s completely vegan as well. I didn’t eat, actually, since I don’t feel like celebrating without Midnight Mass.

December 25: Christmas day! Finally, we’re able to enjoy our hardships - seeing those Christmas decors here or there that’s well positioned. Mom went to St. Elizabeth hospital’s Chapel at GenSan and was accompanied by my eldest brother. The rest of us stayed at home celebrating in a simple yet delightful way. My 3rd sister decided to download “Give love on Christmas day” by Michael Jackson on YouTube while the other 3 remaining watched movie videos of “Alexander” and “Titanic”. As for me, well, you bet, I just prayed. Anyways, that doesn’t mean my siblings didn’t’ pray. We had our usual community prayers still.

At night, the family was already complete (save Dad who couldn’t come) and we watched “A Holiday for Love” and “Home Alone”.

December 27: Special day for the SSPX as there were priesthood ordinations at Holy Cross Seminary, Australia. It was also significant for the Philippines as 3 Filipinos were ordained on this very same date. I offered my other 2 Rosaries for them. One was for the ordinands and the second was for those who’re celebrating their priesthood anniversaries. Oh St. John the Apostle, do thou make them always sanctified that they be faithful to their sacred priesthood!

December 28: Got the email of Fr. Saa dated December 24. he wished us, the recipients, a very blessed Christmas and New Year and included us on his Midnight Mass. Father is in far away Zimbabwe and too bad I couldn’t reply thanks. Hope someday… or perhaps he’d get to read this. So, here it goes. Thanks a lot for remembering us. It really consoled me! Be assured of my continued prayers for you, Father! May Our Lady always assist you in being faithful to your sublime vocation!

December 30: On the evening, we toured Koronadal for the Christmas lights. Wonderful but not as awesome as last year. Anyhow, it’s great to see that the people still lit up despite the global financial crisis.

December 31: Last day of the year. Mom bought varieties of fruits as it’s a Chinese tradition and we also had pancit bihon (vermicelli noodles) for dinner. We watched “Pacifier” and “Sound of Music”. On the midnight, there were fireworks and noise around the city. I was half-asleep already but Mom woke us up for the usual recital of the Rosary. I could barely catch up, even though I was sitting, since I was exhausted during the day.

January 1: Voila 2009! The year welcomed me with a not-so-good health as I got a bad throat this morning. I told you - I wasn’t feeling well! But, the celebration must continue on. We re-watched the “Sound of Music” during the day.

January 3: My first Mass of the year. I felt so relieved now that I could unburden my life’s joys and pains with my Savior at Holy Communion. In his sermon, Father explained the necessity of being always in the state of grace most especially now that we’re yet on another year - making us older and older.

January 6: Feast of Epiphany. This is the day when we opened our gifts and behold! It was so cute and I never thought Mom would give us that - a stuffed pig doll dressed in pink! My brothers had a gold piggy bank as theirs. Now, those piggies sit, play and sleep at our beds while my brothers’ stay at their room on top of the cabinet.

On the evening, once more, we watched movies. “Hudson Hawk” on cable and “The Christmas Wish” on video. In my experience, watching sprees are one of the major obstacles in attaining sanctity. It distracts my soul in prayer and makes me forgetful in contemplating of God’s ultimate love for me - in the sense that I feel lost and devastated every time. Yet, as a family member, I must yield to it. My greatest consolation is St. Paul’s word that "...if I should have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing."

January 7: Bringing down of all Christmas decors. It’s so easy pulling it down and yet it took us the whole 2 weeks (or more) just to prepare it. Wow! Anyway, we’ll see them 11 months from now.

Thus, our Christmas officially ended. We’re back to our usual routine and austerity measures but somehow, we still carry the spirit of Christmas in us. Like I said, it’s still Christmas! We get to sing Christmas songs every now and then and one of my favorites is the “12 days of Christmas”. It is because it got a spiritual value. The “partridge in a pear tree” is actually the Divine Babe. Oh, how sweet indeed!

2009 is here. Time to be a better daughter of God. As Father advised, if we didn’t make it good last year, now is the year to improve our souls’ status with Our Lord. People may feel weaker this year, as he also said, and I admit I’m one of those. But we got to be braver for His sake. Not only braver, but humbler and ever patient while at the same time, imitating our Blessed Mother.

Oh Blessed Virgin Mary, do keep us near thee that we may better serve thy Son. Mold us to be a true follower of Our Lord and hence, meriting for us, eternal bliss! Amen.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Reason for Everything

It’s been more than half a year already since I last posted here. I don’t know but things got even far complicated than I had expected that somehow I found myself stuck.

Admittedly, my life has more downs than ups and I’m content at it. But much deeper had I felt before that I suddenly lost my pleasure on writing here.

Last July, I made a decisive moment by moving out from parental home without my family’s knowledge. I opted that way for I certainly know they wouldn’t allow me to try religious life without Mom’s consent. My family tried everything to persuade me to return until Mrs. Ghela advised me to give it a try. Although I know it wouldn’t work out, I decided to heed her counsel for I always wanted to give my family every bit of chance I could possibly see. As a result, my family stopped from hearing Mass - albeit dismayed, forbids me to send emails etc, and I became the subject of contempt.

6 months had passed and still there’s quarrel from time to time. I stood alone and firm and never gave up though I still ask myself why all these are happening when I had been careful enough to seek His will through His priests. I got no one to turn to save prayer. Deep inside, I cried for Heaven to answer my anguish. Till at last, I heard from Fr. Purdy last Sunday that “there is a reason for everything.” As I walked out after Mass, I kept pondering on what he meant. I realized it was Our Lord speaking on his voice and I was thoroughly convinced that everything is still under God’s noblest hands.

Those words may be indeed curt for a simple faithful like me yet it has also a sweet and divine connotation for someone who’s searching for God’s way in his/her everyday life. Those few lines were like a spark infused in my blood that regained back the pulse of my heart to get over with the past and keep moving ahead.

Indeed, it’s not for me to understand fully His ways but it requires that I be constant to Him. To do otherwise means to doubt my faith on Him Who did everything out of love for me.

Too many controversies had crossed my life and I honestly don’t feel good about it. I thought of hiding away and yet I could never really live without my God in the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Eucharist. I am very weak and fragile and all the more I need His divine assistance to sustain me.

There is a reason for everything,” and as I face yet another wrangling in my life, I better cling to those profound words and keep praying that I be faithful to His commands.

Oh my Lady, no prayer is more effective than with thy blessed name. Hence, here I am, once more pleading for thy intercession. Grant that I may have calmness in confusion and happiness in suffering. Teach me to accept humiliations and to forgive quickly in as much as thy Son did. Instruct me also to know and love true humility as thou and thy Son always revealed in Thine earthly lives! Amen