Saturday, August 18, 2007

With My Blog, Again

It’s been a long time now since I last made a blog. Indeed, I already missed doing this. It was because of my very busy life (even up to now). As a matter of fact, I skipped lunch these days just to make things fitted on my ever hectic schedule. With a moderate amount of work and prayers, I guess I’m constantly busy. My super energetic body says it so and I just hope I won’t collapse at all! Of course, I cannot simply sit around after doing my duties and leave everything to my siblings. Yes, I try helping as much as I can. I must give way to charity first before my own pleasures.

So here I am catching out. Pausing out for a while, writing some lines then go out then write once more till I finish what’s on my mind.

One big event that happened this week was my joining at CathInfo forums. Since then, I was very active asking for such and such questions and sometimes voiced out my opinions too.

Anyways, I’m doing better with my resolutions. The obtuse life I was treading before is certainly leaving me. I’ve changed. Yes, my outlook obviously changed. My family re watched videos but I excused myself (and I’m sometimes successful). My dad brought home an airline’s magazine but I barely read it. I simply glimpsed some things just to know what’s happening around me.

Then when my Mom brought a newspaper, I browsed it and read some things but didn’t take pleasure on it. I wasn’t happy to see that this world is crumbling away and got no place for religious things. Sigh. What’s more disheartening was that the issue exclusively featured writers sharing out their experience about “first times”. My oh my. They even went out doing sinful things just to make up with their assignments. Imagining them is like getting crazy. Learning to dance on hip hop songs, a man wearing a female’s 3 inch high heels, and living alone for a month. Although there were some good writers, I came to realize that this world is really turning to be very ungodly. Fashions, too, are just not decent. I even saw a picture of a model posing with dark clothes in a flickering red background. My gosh, it looks devilish. The peoples’ way of life is unfortunately turning more and more away from God. I’m not happy to know it and I keep on asking: oh my Lord, in these days, when will they ever learn what’s pleasing to Thee? To love Thee, adore Thee, and offer Thee sacrifices?

I thank God and the Blessed Virgin Mary that I was able to open my blinded eyes from worldliness. Yes, I have to admit my attitude was very much “in” to this world. I craved for those things that when I made my resolution, I thought I’m going to be bored and give up sooner or later. But now, it’s only a matter to laugh about. Those things I thought was sweet turned suddenly bitter in my palate. I’m not saying I’m already perfect. No, rather the battle within me still continues. It’s safe to say, though, that the war is already conquered if not won. I know I may still lose my soul to satan if I’m not cautious with my thoughts, words, and deeds.

But definitely, I’m much blessed. I’m now discovering how much one will really take risks just to love the One you perfectly love. The One that really deserves pure love. And He, Who is God, would never really leave you, provided you’re always constant to His commands. Oh! I’m engrossed to know that! And I’d say I’m much happier now. Though I know I’m still not complete. As I could never be complete without receiving my God sacramentally in the Holy Eucharist.

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