Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fr. Purdy's Letter

[Fr. Purdy sent me this. I hope you’d be able to help them one way or the other. Thank you and may God reward your genrosity!- Editor's Note]

St. Bernard Novitiate
Barangay Daga
Santa Barbara, Iloilo
Tel: 63 33 523 5058 / Fax: 63 33 523 5059

7th October 2007
Feast of the Holy Rosary

Dear Friends,

A novitiate is the house of formation for religious. It is a house in which a young man or woman learns the religious life; where they learn to live the Evangelical councils and where the first promises of those vows are made.

Archbishop Lefebvre writes in the Rules for Brothers: “the brothers, consecrating themselves to God in the religious life, have as their primary goal and purpose the glory of God, their own sanctification, and the salvation of souls”. The novitiate is necessary for religious, it is where this sublime calling is discerned, where is fostered, and where it comes to fruit.

St. Bernard Novitiate is the SSPX’s only house of religious formation in all of Asia. There are currently four priests, seven brothers, four pre-postulants, two pre-seminarians, and four live-in student/helpers residing at St. Bernard Novitiate.

Unfortunately, this apostolate in the Philippines is not so well known. In recent years, priests assigned to the Novitiate have made fund raising trips in America and Canada, and many have responded generously. However, these trips are few and far in between. There is a great necessity for the Novitiate to have a stable income. Just as any home needs a stable income to survive, so our home also.

The intended plan is to seek faithful benefactors who can contribute monthly for our support. I am looking for benefactors who can contribute $20 a month for the period of one year. The pledge could be renewed or dropped at the end of the year. That is five dollars a week. If there could be 100 people who can respond to this request, then our monthly expenses will be covered. When the math is done, that is $2000 a month from 100 people. Imagine that amount to feed over 20 people in the house, to pay the electric bill, the phone bill, the fuel bill for our vehicles, etc!

It is well known that religious houses are the prayer machines of the Church. Such great benefits come to the Church and its members through the prayers of consecrated religious souls. Find it in your great love for the Church to help support us.

In return for your generosity, and for those who respond to this request, you will be named the Friends of St. Bernard Novitiate. One mass a month will be offered for your intentions and The Friends of St. Bernard Novitiate will be a perpetual intention in the rosaries of the brothers. Remember! The brothers say 15 decades daily!

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Fr. Adam Purdy

Any donations can be sent to: Mrs. Marie Purdy, SSPX Asia – 83 North Rd, Fort Ann, NY 12827
Checks can be made to SSPX and memo Friends of St. Bernard Novitiate
Contact Marie Purdy at – ; Contact Fr. Purdy at –
Please respond via email (if possible) in order to make a contacts list and send a short monthly letter.

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