Saturday, March 29, 2008

My Roller Coaster Life

Mom’s not feeling well and she’s on and off with her doctors (nephro, pulmo, cardio, derma). She’s having complicated side effects due to many drugs that her skin is now affected. She always complains of headache, hardness of breathing, itchiness, and many other different muscle pains. Doctors are sort of giving up for her bodily movements say otherwise. I think it’s safe to say it’s the devil only.

It’s honestly breaking my heart to see her that way. She travels 5 hours just to go to Davao for her doctors and then another 5 hours to return home. Her body definitely needs rest but unfortunately, she’s not content with the South Cotabato doctors. I try my best in consoling her and I limit her negative emotional feelings as much as I can. One of her greatest anxieties, though, is her continuous argument with Dad.

I’ve been pleading to God and the Blessed Virgin to heal her but only when she’s fully converted to Catholic Tradition. I thought of changing my intention but then again, I know it is the right intention. I’ve had enough of battling with the loneliness that Mom creates and I’m really getting exhausted. Hope I’d be able to overcome this and help my siblings think the right way. That it is trying times once again but the need to hold on. This is still God’s will.

Oh Blessed Virgin, my Mother, comfort Mom and please let her realize her mistake. May it never be too late for repentance and please do not make her an obstinate sinner. Oh Most Pure Lady, keep me spotless from this world despite every uphill of my miseries here on earth! Amen.

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